The Amiga Classic Collection
The Amiga Classic Collection - Disc 1.iso
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This function allows you to set the current working directory for Directory
Opus. This is the directory that is read if you press return on an empty
directory button.^
This gives you more information about AmigaDOS error messages and codes than
is generally available. When selected, you are asked for the error code. Once
this is entered, you are shown the standard error message as well as a
description of the error.^
This will either load the configuration program ConfigOpus into memory and
run it, or if it is already in memory, invoke it. Consult the manual for
information on the many configuration items.^
This function displays the program's "title screen", and gives the
current version number and copyright information.^
This function plays a alarm like sound.^
This function plays a beep like sound.^
This function displays a window containing the information you need to
contact technical support, including phone numbers and e-mail addresses.^
Sets the specified local environment variable to the given value.^
This function displays a window containing the version numbers of the
software, Kickstart and Workbench, and other information which you may
need when seeking technical support.^
This allows you to close the Directory Opus screen, to free up as much
memory as possible.
You can configure the state you wish Directory Opus to take in iconified
mode, including a window (with or without clock and memory monitor), and
an AppIcon (under 2.0).^
This performs a similar function to the Iconify command except that the
window that is opened on the Workbench screen contains all your custom
buttons, and has the custom menus attached to it. This allows you to launch
programs from Directory Opus even when it is iconified.^
This function exits Directory Opus. If the configuration has been changed
since it was last saved, you are given the option of saving it first.^
This allows you to set a filter that specifies which files are used
during recursive directory operations.^
This allows you to copy one disk to another. It makes an exact copy of the
original disk. It will not copy any protected software, or non-AmigaDOS
format disks. This function is contained in the external DOpus_Disk module.
When this function is chosen, a window appears containing two lists of
devices. Select a source disk from the left hand list, and the destination
disk from the right hand list.
If Verify is selected, the copy will be verified after writing each track,
to make sure it copied successfully. The Bump name option will modify the
name of the disk copy, to prevent problems that can be caused by having
identical disks present in the system^
This allows you to format a new disk. All new disks need to be formatted
before the computer can write to them. This function is contained in the
external DOpus_Disk module.
When this is selected, a window appears containing a list of devices, and
several options. Select the disk from the list that you wish to format.
Depending on your OS version, several options will be available to select
the type of format you wish (FFS, Dir Caching, etc).
If Verify is selected, the format will be verified after writing each track,
to make sure it formatted successfully. The Put Trashcan option causes
the Trashcan directory and icon to be created on the new disk.
Format Quick allows you to initialise an already-formatted disk. This
provides an extremely fast way to erase old disks. This will not work on new
disks, however; you must use the Format option to format brand new disks.^
This function allows you to make a disk bootable. All bootable disks have
special information written on the first sector of the disk. Without this, the
disk will not boot. This function is contained in the external DOpus_Disk
This function opens a window with a list containing the available drives
(note that you can only install floppy disks with this option). Select
the device you wish to install from the list.^
This allows you to change the name (label) of the disk that is open in the
active directory window.^
This function allows you to print the contents of the active directory window
You may elect which information to print, including file sizes, protection
bits, dates and comments. You may also elect to send the output to a disk
file instead of the printer.
This function is contained in the external DOpus_Print module.^
This function displays some information about the disk the active directory
resides on, including space used and free, datestamp and number of
errors on the disk.^
*LHA Add
This function allows you to create and add files to an LHA archive.
To add files to an archive, open the directory you wish the archive to be
written to in the inactive window, select the files and directories you wish
to add, and select this function. You will be asked for the name of the
archive to be created or added to.^
*ARC Add
This function allows you to create and add files to an ARC archive.
To add files to an archive, open the directory you wish the archive to be
written to in the inactive window, select the files and directories you wish
to add, and select this function. You will be asked for the name of the
archive to be created or added to.^
*ZOO Add
This function allows you to create and add files to a ZOO archive.
To add files to an archive, open the directory you wish the archive to be
written to in the inactive window, select the files and directories you wish
to add, and select this function. You will be asked for the name of the
archive to be created or added to.^
This function selects all files and directories in the active directory
This function reverses the state of all files and directories in the active
directory (ie, all selected entries are deselected, and vice versa).^
This function unselects all files and directories in the active directory
This function reads the parent directory of the active directory window.^
This function reads the root directory of the active directory window.^
This function copies all selected files and directories in the active
directory window to the inactive directory window, keeping the same names.^
This function copies all selected files and directories in the active
directory window to the inactive directory window, and allows you to specify
a new name for each file/directory.^
This allows you to move all selected files and directories from the active
directory window to the inactive window. The file or directory will be
copied to the destination, and the original will be deleted.^
This allows you to move all selected files and directories from the active
directory window to the inactive window, giving each file a new name. The file
or directory will be copied to the destination under the new name, and the
original will be deleted.^
This allows you to rename all selected files and directories. You may use a
* to specify a pattern. If no *'s are used, you are asked for a new name for
each individual file.
To add a prefix or a suffix (or both) to all selected entries, use a * in the
second string button. For example, to add HIRES as a prefix and .pic as a
suffix to all selected entries, enter HIRES*.pic.
To change a prefix or a suffix (or both) of all selected entries, use a * in
the top string button. For example, to change HIRES to MEDRES as a prefix,
and .pic to .iff as a suffix, enter HIRES*.pic in the top string button, and
MEDRES*.iff in the bottom string button.^
This function makes an identical copy of selected files and directories, in
the same directory, but with different names.^
This function deletes all selected files and directories in the active
directory window. CAREFUL!^
This function allows you to create a directory in the active directory window.^
This function will calculate whether all the files and directories you have
selected would fit in the destination directory, were they to be copied
there. It performs a similar function to the GetSizes command, except that
it is far more accurate. The only disadvantage to this command is that
even if the directories you have selected already have sizes displayed for
them, they may have to be rescanned if the destination device has changed.^
The function works in a similar way to CheckFit. It scans through all
selected directories, calculating the total number of bytes in each
directory, and adds the directory sizes to the list. It then displays a
Y or N character to indicate whether or not the selected entries would fit
in the destination were they to be copied there. This is only a very rough
indication; to be completely accurate you should use the CheckFit command
instead of this one.^
This will remove the size displayed for all selected directories. You may
wish to do this if you know the size of the directory has changed. You can
then reselect the directory and use the GetSizes or CheckFit functions to
get an accurate size.^
This function allows you to search through all selected directories and their
sub-directories for a specified file, or for a group of files specified by
wildcard. If the specified files are found, the directory containing them will
be read, and the files will be selected.^
This function allows you to search all selected files for a specified string,
which can optionally contain wildcards. If a match is found, you are told
which file contains the string, and given the option to enter the text viewer
and read the file. If you opt to do this, a search for the string is
automatically initiated once the file has been read by the text viewer.^
This function runs each selected file in turn. You are prompted for any
arguments before each file is run. The file is run using default parameters
that should be suitable for most programs. If the program does not seem to run
this way, try running it from the Workbench instead.^
This function executes each selected file in turn (it assumes that they are
all batch files).^
This function allows you to change the comment, or filenote, of the selected
files and directories in the active directory window. If any directories are
selected, you are asked whether you wish the files within them are to have
their comments modified also.
For each entry, you are presented with a requester containing the current
comment attached to that entry. To change the comment, simple edit it and
press return. To keep the same comment, press return without editing.
To set the comment of all selected entries you should select the All button
from the comment requester; choosing Okay or pressing return will set the
comments a file at a time.^
This function allows you to change the datestamp of the selected files and
directories in the active directory window. If any directories are selected,
you are asked whether the files within them are to have their datestamps
modified also.
For each entry, you are presented with a requester. If you wish the file
to have its datestamp set to the current date and time, simply press return.
Otherwise, enter the desired date and time.
To set the datestamp of all selected entries you should select the All button
from the datestamp requester; choosing Okay or pressing return will set the
datestamps a file at a time.^
This function allows you to modify the protection bits of the selected files
and directories in the active directory window. If any directories are
selected, you are asked whether you wish the files within them to be protected
as well.
For each entry, you are presented with a requester displaying the protection
bits currently set for that entry. The protection bits are H (hidden), S
(script), P (pure), A (archived), R (readable), W (writeable), E (executable)
and D (deleteable).
To toggle bits on or off, click on the appropriate buttons, or press the
appropriate keys. To set all bits, select the All bits button. To
unset all bits, select the None button. To reverse the state of the bits,
select the Toggle button. To revert to the bits that were set originally,
select the Undo button.
The mask setting allows you to specify bits that are to be unaffected by this
operation. This allows you, for instance, to set the RW bits in a files,
leaving any other bits that might be set alone. To turn a bit on or off in
the mask, click on the appropriate area or press the key with either
SHIFT key held down.
To set the protection bits of all selected entries you should select the
All button from the protection requester; choosing Okay will set the
protection bits a file at a time.^
This allows you to modify the parameters of icons, much the same way
as the Information command of Workbench does. You can modify protection
bits, stack size, comments, default tools and tool types this way.^
This will add icons to all selected files and directories in the active
directory window. Directory Opus automatically senses what sort of file it
is (drawer, project or tool) and will add the appropriate icon. You may
specify your own icons in the configuration, if the default icons are
not suitable.^
This function allows you to keep important data secret by encrypting files
with an entered password. All selected files in the active directory window
will be encrypted, and the encrypted files will be written to the destination
window. If the password starts with a - (minus) character, the file will be
decrypted instead.^
*Arc Ext
This button calls the filetype command User1 on the selected files. It is
labelled Arc Ext as this is what the default filetypes are primarily set
up to do; extract archives. You should consult the manual for more
information on the filetype features.^
This function allows you to read a text file using the mouse.
To auto-scroll the file, press the left mouse button. The direction and
speed can be specified by the Y-position of the mouse. You can also use
the cursor keys, the arrow buttons, and the slider (if enabled) to move
around in the file.
To jump to a specified line, click on the number immediately after Lines.
To jump to a specified percentage, click on the percentage display.
To move up or down a page, click on the U or D button, or press that key. To
move to the top or bottom, click on T or B, or press that key.
To search for a string, press S or click on the S button. To continue a
search, press N. To print the current page, press C. To print the whole file,
press P. To exit, click on the X button, or press ESCape, X or Q.
Note that this function does not display ANSI control sequences or tab
characters; you must use the ANSIREAD function for that.^
This function operates in exactly the same way as the READ function, except
that it displays ANSI control sequences (colours and typestyles) properly,
and also handles tab characters correctly.^
This function allows you to hex read a binary file. The file is displayed in
hexadecimal, with 16 bytes per line. The text viewer operates the same way as
when the file is being viewed as ASCII.^
This function will show each selected file in turn, if the file is an
IFF ILBM picture, ANIM animation, an icon, or a font. If it is an icon that is
being shown, the alternate imagery (if any) can be displayed by pressing
return. To leave a picture, press the left mouse button. If the picture has
colour cycling defined, you can start and stop cycling with the TAB key.
Pressing the P key, the HELP key or the SPACE bar take you to the Print
control screen. This allows you to configure the printer and actually print
the current picture. It also displays some important information about the
current picture.
If the picture is larger than the screen you are able to scroll around in
it using the cursor keys, or by moving the mouse under 2.0. This function
will also show pictures crunched with PowerPacker, provided you have the
powerpacker.library present.^
This function allows you to play IFF 8SVX sampled sounds and other files.
To stop a sound while it is playing, press the left mouse button.
If you have a copy of the inovamusic.library in your LIBS: directory, this
function will also play sound modules.^
This function allows you to play IFF 8SVX sampled sounds and other files.
Each sound is played continuously; to advance to the next sound, you must
press the left mouse button.^
This will invoke an editor to edit the selected files. This is not a built-in
function, but is a button configured to call an editor called c:Ed. You
may (and probably will) want to change this in the configuration.^
*New File
This will invoke an editor in the same was as the Edit button will. However,
this function allows you to create a new file with the editor, and will
ask you for a filename.^
This function will print all selected files. It is actually a powerful print
formatter. There are several configuration items in the print requester.
The Print routine is contained in the external DOpus_Print module.
You may configure the top and bottom margins (in lines), and the left and
right margins (in characters). Tab size is the number of spaces a tab
character is equivalent to. You may select either Pica, Elite or Fine as the
print pitch, and either Draft or Letter as print quality.
You can configure individually the contents of the header and footer by
choosing to include the title, date and page number. If none of these are
selected no header of footer will be produced. If title is selected and
anything is entered in the field to the right of the title button, that
string will be used as the title. If this field is left blank, the name
of the file will be used instead.
You can select to output to the printer, or to a disk file. The Print button
will start the print operation, and Exit will cancel it.^
This function displays a list of all devices, volumes and assigned directories
present in the system. You may then read these devices in by double-clicking
on them. You can also select entire devices for use with the hunt and search
This allows you to select files and directories in the active directory
window based upon name (using wildcards), creation date or protection
bits. For selection upon name, all standard wildcards are supported
(*,~,? etc..) as well as the AmigaDOS wildcards #? and ?.
Consult the manual for more information on using wildcards.
Selection upon date allows you to specify date ranges, in the form
DD-MMM-YY > DD-MMM-YY. You can leave out either of the two dates to
specify from the beginning of time, or until the current date. You may also
enter times in the form HH:MM:SS as well as dates.
To specify protection bits you use the character codes hsparwed. If you
precede a bit with a - character, the bit must not be set for the file
to be selected. Consult the manual for more information on file selection.^
This allows you to launch an ARexx script or execute an ARexx command from
within Directory Opus. See the manual for more information on ARexx.^
This function generates a list of all sub-directories in the directory
displayed in the active window, in tree format. You may instantly read any
sub-directory by double-clicking on its entry in the tree, rather than
traveling there via all the prior directories.^
This function will reselect all entries that were selected before the last
operation was initiated. The entries are reselected only if they still exist,
and even if the buffer containing them is not displayed currently.^
This function will re-read the directory open in the active directory window.
This has the same effect as activating the directory string button, and
pressing RETURN without changing the path name.^
This function displays a list of all the directories contained in Directory
Opus' internal buffers. You may then double-click on one of the displayed
buffers to jump to that buffer immediately, rather than clicking the arrows
to cycle through the buffers one by one.^
This function will clear the contents of all buffers other than the two that
are currently displayed. All used memory will be deallocated; this is a good
way to free up memory quickly if you have lots of used buffers and are
running low.^
These are the drive buttons. Selecting these reads the
given device or path into the active directory window.^
Not enough memory
Probable cause:
Not enough memory in your Amiga to carry out the operation.
Recovery suggestion:
Close any unneeded windows and applications, then reissue the command.
If it still doesn't work, try rebooting. It may be that you have enough
memory but it has become fragmented. It is possible that you may need to
add more RAM to your system.^
Process table full
Probable cause:
There is a limit to the number of possible processes.
Recovery suggestion:
Stop one or more tasks.^
Bad template
Probable cause:
Incorrect command line.
Recovery suggestion:
Consult the documentation for the correct command format.^
Bad number
Probable cause:
The program was expecting a numeric argument.
Recovery suggestion:
Consult the documentation for the correct command format.^
Required argument missing
Probable cause:
Incorrect command line.
Recovery suggestion:
Consult the documentation for the correct command format.^
Argument after "=" missing
Probable cause:
Incorrect command line.
Recovery suggestion:
Consult the documentation for the correct command format.^
Too many arguments
Probable cause:
Incorrect command line.
Recovery suggestion:
Consult the documentation for the correct command format.^
Unmatched quotes
Probable cause:
Incorrect command line.
Recovery suggestion:
Consult the documentation for the correct command format.^
Argument line invalid or too long
Probable cause:
Your command line is incorrect or contains too many arguments.
Recovery suggestion:
Consult the documentation for the correct command format.^
File is not executable
Probable cause:
You misspelled the command name, or the file may not be a loadable
(program or script) file.
Recovery suggestion:
Retype the filename and make sure that the file is a program file.
Remember, to execute a script, either the s bit must be set or the EXECUTE
command must be used.^
Invalid resident library
Probable cause:
You are trying to use commands with a previous version of AmigaDOS; for
example, Version 2.0 commands with Version 1.3 Kickstart.
Recovery suggestion:
Reboot with the current version of AmigaDOS.^
Object is in use
Probable cause:
The specified file or directory is already being used by another
application. If an application is reading a file, no other program can
write to it, and vice versa.
Recovery suggestion:
Stop the other application that is using the file or directory, and
reissue the command.^
Object already exists
Probable cause:
The name that you specified already belongs to another file or directory.
Recovery suggestion:
Use another name, or delete the existing file or directory, and replace it.^
Directory not found
Probable cause:
AmigaDOS cannot find the directory you specified. You may have made
a typing or spelling error.
Recovery suggestion:
Check the directory name and reissue the command.^
Object not found
Probable cause:
AmigaDOS cannot find the file or device you specified. You may have
made a typing or spelling error.
Recovery suggestion:
Check the filename or the device name and reissue the command.^
Invalid window description
Probable cause:
This error occurs when specifying a window size for the Output Window, a
Shell, ED or ICONX window. You may have made the window too big or too
small, or you may have omitted an argument. This error also occurs with
the NEWSHELL command, if you supply a device name that is not a window.
Recovery suggestion:
Reissue the window specification.^
Packet request type unknown
Probable cause:
You have asked a device handler to attempt an operation it cannot do.
For example, the console handler cannot rename anything.
Recovery suggestion:
Check the request code passed to device handlers for the appropriate
Object name invalid
Probable cause:
There is an invalid character in the filename or the filename is too long.
Remember, filenames cannot be longer than 30 characters and cannot contain
control characters.
Recovery suggestion:
Retype the name, being sure not to use any invalid characters, or
exceed the maximum length.^
Invalid object lock
Probable cause:
You have used something that is not a valid lock.
Recovery suggestion:
Check that your code only passes valid locks to AmigaDOS calls that
expect locks.^
Object not of required type
Probable cause:
You may have specified a filename for an operation that requires a
directory name, or vice versa.
Recovery suggestion:
Consult the documentation for the correct command format.^
Disk not validated
Probable cause:
If you have just inserted a disk, the disk validation process may still
be in progress. It is also possible that the disk is corrupt.
Recovery suggestion:
If you've just inserted the disk, wait for the validation process to
finish. This may take less than a minute for a floppy disk or up to several
minutes for a hard disk. If the disk is corrupt, it cannot be validated.
In this case, try to retrieve the disk's files and copy them to another
disk. You may have to use DISKDOCTOR.^
Disk is write-protected
Probable cause:
The plastic tab is in the write-protect position.
Recovery suggestion:
If you're certain you want to write to that particular disk, remove the
disk, move the tab, and re-insert the disk. Otherwise, use a different disk.^
Rename across devices attempted
Probable cause:
RENAME only changes a filename on the same volume. You can use RENAME
to move a file from one directory to another, but you cannot move files
from one volume to another.
Recovery suggestion:
Use the MOVE command instead. Alternatively, use COPY to copy the file to
the destination volume, and delete it from the source volume if desired.^
Directory not empty
Probable cause:
This error occurs if you attempt to delete a directory that contains
files or sub-directories.
Recovery suggestion:
If you are sure you want to delete the complete directory, use the ALL
option of DELETE.^
Too many levels
Probable cause:
You've exceeded the limit of 15 soft links.
Recovery suggestion:
Reduce the number of soft links.^
Device (or volume) not mounted
Probable cause:
If the device is a floppy disk, it has not been inserted in a drive.
If it is another type of device, it has not been mounted with the MOUNT
command. It is also possible that you have made a typing error when
specifying the device name.
Recovery suggestion:
Insert the correct floppy disk, check the spelling of the device name,
mount the device, or revise your MountList file.^
Seek error
Probable cause:
You have attempted to call SEEK with invalid arguments.
Recovery suggestion:
Make sure that you only SEEK within the file. You cannot SEEK outside the
bounds of the file.^
Comment is too long
Probable cause:
Your filenote has exceeded the maximum number of characters (79).
Recovery suggestion:
Use a shorter comment.^
Disk is full
Probable cause:
There is not enough room on the disk to perform the requested operation.
Recovery suggestion:
Delete some unnecessary files or directories, or use a different disk.^
Object is protected from deletion
Probable cause:
The d (deleteable) protection bit of the file or directory is clear.
Recovery suggestion:
If you are certain that you want to delete the file or directory, use
PROTECT to set the d bit.^
File is write protected
Probable cause:
The w (writeable) protection bit of the file is clear.
Recovery suggestion:
If you are certain that you want to overwrite the file, use PROTECT to
set the w bit.^
File is read protected
Probable cause:
The r (readable) protection bit of the file is clear.
Recovery suggestion:
Use PROTECT to set the r bit of the file.^
Not a valid DOS disk
Probable cause:
The disk in the drive is not an AmigaDOS disk, it has not been formatted,
or it is corrupt.
Recovery suggestion:
Check to make sure you are using the correct disk. If you know the disk
worked before, use DISKDOCTOR or another disk recovery program to salvage
its files. If the disk has not been formatted, use FORMAT to do so.^
No disk in drive
Probable cause:
The disk is not properly inserted in the specified drive.
Recovery suggestion:
Insert the appropriate disk in the specified drive.^
No more entries in directory
Probable cause:
This indicates that the AmigaDOS call EXNEXT has no more entries in the
directory you are examining.
Recovery suggestion:
Stop calling EXNEXT.^
Object is soft link
Probable cause:
You tried to perform an operation on a soft link that should only be
performed on a file or directory.
Recovery suggestion:
AmigaDOS uses the Action_Read_Link packet to resolve the soft link and
retries the operation.^